Fantasy Environment (UDK)
Summary: This environment was created as a tribute to 3rd person action adventure games such as God of War, Gears of War, and Uncharted. I also wanted to challenge myself by attempting something a bit more stylized and grander in scale than I was used to in addition to tackling a genre outside of my comfort zone. All of the content as well as the concept were created by me within roughly one month. (cgTextures.com used as source for certain diffuse base maps but most were heavily modified)
Primary Software used: Maya, Mudbox, Photoshop, Xnormal, Topogun, Ndo2, Crazybump, Marmoset Toolbag
• All images shown on this page were derived from real time engines (either UDK, marmoset, or mudbox). There are NO software renders shown.
• The majority of the statics have extra tessellation for vertex color painting purposes. Their vert counts come from the UDK after import.
• The texture sheets shown are darker and have more lighting info baked compared to what I used during my lightmass bakes
-- Polycounts, texture sizes, and level stats listed further down page --

Realtime flythrough videos (fraps):
More footage - click here
Level stats:
• Triangle count for widest view = under 1.5 million (no LODs used)
• Static actors placed in level = under 360
• Static mesh total memory = under 9 mb
• Mesh draw calls = under 775 (most meshes use 1 mat)
• Lightmap texture memory = under 9.5 mb
Example of object density in a given area:

NormalMap isolated lighting vs default lighting:

Individual assets:

Parent Material example (used for majority of the statics):